Indian Double Curve Design
as stated by Rev. Paul Kerns, Pastor St. Ann's Parish, Indian Island, Maine (deceased)
The Double Curve is an Indian reminder to maintain balance in life. Our culture is too often focused on self fulfilment. The Double Curve is an expression of the Native way that directs balance in life by moving away from yourself and towards others. The balance comes by sharing. One end of the double curve comes into the center reminding us that we are given - we live by grace. Because it is a double curve it continues to move from the center to its opposite end. You get - you give. What comes in must go out. The meaning of the Double Curve takes on an added depth in Christ. We have been given life in God by Jesus who commissions us to go out in His name affirming God's love for them. The Double Curve also gives us hope. Our self ages and it seems to slip away from us in illness and death. The Double Curve reminds us that our lives or our self is also growing in wisdom and grace and eternal life. In Jesus there was the ultimate Double Curve - Good Friday on one curve but Easter Sunday on the other.